The Official Page - Sol Acres Executive Condo at Choa Chua Kang, OFFICIAL BOOKING HOTLINE: +65 6667 6667
The Executive Condo at Choa Chua Kang with 1- 5 Bedroom Units

E-APPLICATION PERIOD: 18th July - 26th July
PRICE RELEASED: 15th & 16th August
BOOKING DATE : 22nd August
6667 6667
We have enclosed a Declaration (which shall form part of this registration form), and undertakings/other documents (each and every one of which shall form part of this particular form unless the context otherwise required) for your completion.
We wish to highlight that all particulars above are based on and shall be deemed to be information given by you. If any information in this application form is incorrect and or incomplete, you must make the necessary amendments and or addition. Please note that if any information in this application form is incorrect/ or if you have suppressed any information required in the form or otherwise, the application shall be cancelled and all monies paid will be forfeited by the Developer or if an EC unit has already been allocated to you, the Developer or the appropriate authorities, including HDB shall be entitled to compulsory acquire or determine the lease of the said flat and forfeit all monies paid by you.
1. All the particulars given in this Application Form are true and correct, and I/We have not suppressed any information required in this form.
2. Neither I/We, nor any person listed in this application have outstanding debt** due to the HDB ** If applicant is an existing owner of an HDB/ DBSS flat.
3. I/We a/are not an undischarged bankrupt.
4. I/We have read and understood and agree to abide the Terms And Conditions Relating to the Application For The Purchase of A Housing Accommodation Under The Executive Condominium Scheme. I/We fully understand and accept that the Minister for National Development and or the Developer shall have the right to unilaterally introduce new Terms and Conditions Relating to the Application For the Purchase of A Housing Accommodation under The Executive Condominium Scheme and or vary the terms and conditions thereof at time, even if such new or varied terms may adversely affect my/our eligibility to apply for an EC Unit.
5. I/We will notify the Developer immediately in writing of any changes in the information supplied in the fibrilliform and any changes affecting my/our eligibility for the purchase of an EC Unit. Prior to my/our taking possession of the EC, I/We will also complete and return to the Developer the Future Particulars Form declaring form if there is any change affecting my/our eligibility. I/We understand that in the event of any change, HDB has the right to reassess and continued eligibility before I/We take possession of the EC unit. I/We must continue to maintain this eligibility throughout our occupation of the EC unit.
6. I/We understand and accept that: A) The developer has the right/ cancel my/our application without any reason whatsoever if: i) I/We am/are deemed to be/have become ineligible to purchase an EC unit or ii) I/We do not pay up the 5% booking fee at the time of booking of an EC unit.
B) if any information given in this application form is incorrect or if I/We have suppressed any information required in the form, my/we application shall be Scheme CAP 99A and/or Option to Purchase/ Sale & purchase Agreement.
C) The Developer has the right to conduct such further checks to verify and confirm my/our eligibility of the persons listed in the application, including but not limited to requiring me/us to submit such documents as and when they require.
7. I/We hereby agree and confirm that should my/our application be successful, the Terms And Conditions Relating to the Application for the Purchase of A housing Accommodation Under the Executive Condominium Scheme shall form part of the terms and conditions of developer's approval for the purchase of an EC unit.
8. I/We undertake to abide by the Minister of National Development's and/or its appointed agent's and/or the Developer's policies, terms and conditions relating to the Executive Condominium Scheme laid down from time to time.
9. I/We hereby unequivocally and irrevocably authorise the developer to furnish any information whatsoever regarding my/our application to the Minister of National Development and/or its appointed agents for the purpose relating to or in connection with this application.
10. If I/We am/are the existing lessee(s) of a HDB flat or a DBSS flat, I/We hereby undertake to sell/transfer/ relinquish my/our flat within six months from the date of issuance of Temporary Occupation Permit in respect of the Executive Condominium Unit where the Temporary Occupation Permit has been issued or such other period as may be stipulated by the HDB in writing.
1. I/We hereby authorised the appointed agent from PropNex Realty Pte Ltd, to submit my/our E-application for Sol Acres using my/our NRIC(s), pay-slip(s), and/or other relevant documents to prove eligibility.
2. I/We are aware that the Developer reserves the right to reject the application if there are insufficient supporting documents to determine eligibility or we do not meet the eligibility requirements.
3. I/We are aware that I/We (or our appointed Proxy) have to be physically present to make a booking on the booking day.